The scheme is open to not-for-profit non-governmental organisations based in the Republic of Ireland who have a clear focus on protecting or restoring water quality.

The guidance is aimed primarily at Planners, Developers and Developer Agents, but will also be a source of valuable and practical information on the design and implementation of NbS for those working on Housing, Transport, Active Travel and Public Realm projects.

2023 was a year of growth for the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) as our core staff numbers increased and we had the addition of our new Farming for Water European Innovation Partnership (EIP) Project Team. While we reflect on changes over the years and prepare for the third cycle River Basin Management Plan (RBMP), we continue to strive to have water quality, community engagement and collaboration at the heart of everything we do.

LAWPRO has several roles and responsibilities assigned to it as a Programme, with specific actions to be delivered under the RBMP. The Programmes role and responsibilities have increased since 2016, and this has informed the evolution of our strategic planning, and annual work programme planning. An overview of our core functions is provided in Table 1 below. Our work programme is discussed further in Section 4.

2021 was a year which saw many sectors of the economy continue to be severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite significant disruption during this time, the essential work of LAWPRO continued, including
local catchment assessments, funding to communities, support for projects and events during National Heritage Week, and virtual meetings with public bodies, stakeholders, and local communities. I would like to thank all our staff, and the countless others, who have helped us fulfil our obligations during a challenging year.

This report presents the goals, objectives, and achievements of the LAWPRO team of 60 staff across a five-regional structure: Border, Midlands and Eastern, South East, South West and West. This is the fourth annual report on the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) and presents highlights from LAWPROs work with communities and within catchments in 2020. The work showcases the continued efforts of the programme working in collaboration with local authorities, state agencies, local communities and others.

LAWPRO Annual Report 2019

LAWPRO Annual Report 2018

LAWPRO Annual Report 2016 – 2017