ResiRiver: Advancing Nature-based Solutions in River Systems

LAWPRO is a project partner in the Interreg NW Europe Project called Resilient River or ‘ResiRiver’ for short. It is a five-year project focusing on the creation of Resilient River Systems through mainstreaming and upscaling different Nature based Solutions in riverine systems of the North-West Europe region. Project partners are from Belgium, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Ireland. The Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat, serves as the lead partner for the project. This partnership is fostering transnational collaboration and knowledge transfer.

Mainstreaming and upscaling NbS will be achieved by applying NbS to large and small scale river projects in the Rhine, Meuse , Weser, Lys, Dromore, Vesdre and Rhone rivers. Knowledge gained from these projects will be assimilated into training programs that can be applied locally, regional and at national levels. Further we will pursue mainstreaming and upscaling by applying this knowledge in action plans, guidelines and policies at all partner organisations.

The project will work on disseminating practical knowledge on mainstreaming through training schemes, practical guidelines, and recommendations that enable mainstreaming and create a level playing field for applying NbS.

More information about ResiRiver Home | ResiRiver (

Press Release: Minister Noonan launches national implementation strategy at Nature-Based Solutions Conference

Nature-based Solutions to the Management of Rainwater and Surface Water Runoff in Urban Areas

Water Sensitive Urban Design Best Practice Interim Guidance Document

Water Sensitive Urban Design Best Practice Interim Guidance Document

The new best practice interim guidance document is now published and available for download. The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH), supported by LAWPRO, Dublin City Council and the County and City Managers Association engaged in an extensive round of consultations across the public sector including Local Authorities, Government Departments and Agencies together with private sector professional bodies and other stakeholders in 2021.

This followed the Urban Planning and Nature-based Surface Water Management webinar in November 2020 (which was attended by circa 500 people), and the Significant Water Management Issues Report produced in advance of the draft River Basin Management Plan 2022-2027. The document was launched by Minister Malcolm Noonan at a second webinar held on 30th November 2021, and was attended by over 530 participants.

The document aims to assist all of those involved in activities relevant to the management of rainwater and surface water runoff in urban areas.

This includes (not exclusively)
• Planning
• Transport
• Housing
• Flood risk management
• Environment and biodiversity
• Climate
• Urban regeneration
• Blue way and Greenways and outdoor recreation
• Parks

For local authorities this will require a multidisciplinary approach and includes the involvement of the following where appropriate
• Planners (forward planning, development planning, compliance checking etc.)
• Engineers (including roads and housing)
• Architects including landscape architects
• Environment sections
• Parks sections
• Community and enterprise (e.g., if planning projects such as Public Realm etc.)
• Professionals within local authorities and anyone involved in the planning or design of developments or the general area of surface water management.

In reality successful implementation of Nature-based Solutions to surface water management (incl. Green and Blue Infrastructure implementation) requires a multidisciplinary approach to create a better environment for all.


Water sensitive urban design (WSUD): The newly emerging international approach of water sensitive urban design (WSUD) has been identified as a more integrated approach placing the management of surface water at the centre of urban planning and design. It effectively captures Nature based Surface Water Management (SuDS/Sustainable urban Drainage Systems) in a holistic approach to urban planning and design, putting water concerns front and centre of planning, and looking at the benefits that water provides in addition to planning resilience etc.

Filter strip on N24 provides not only extra surface run off soakage but also biodiversity and amenity benefits.

Nature Based Surface Water Management: Nature Based SuDS work with nature (rather than trying to control it) and are now being mainstreamed across the globe. The benefits of taking a nature-based approach includes not just flood risk management benefits, but also improved water quality (e.g. can filter out >80% heavy metal pollutants), biodiversity (e.g., provide habitat for range of species) and Climate adaptation and mitigation (resilience, micro-climate cooling, carbon sequestration etc.).

The issue of climate change and the resultant need to adapt our cities and towns to be more resilient to increasingly frequent and intensive rainfall events have also brought sustainable water management in the urban context to the fore.

Therefore, the DHLGH, LAWPRO and the CCMA have established a project to actively promote the implementation of nature-based surface water management solutions to our cities and towns through new developments (greenfield and brownfield), as well as urban regeneration and, indeed, all projects that intervene in the urban fabric, using an urban design and plan led approach.

The project will develop an implementation strategy for the development of Water Sensitive Urban Design for the Irish context, which includes Nature Based SuDS. The project is currently engaging with all Local Authorities, state agencies including EPA, IFI, NPWS and OPW, Government Departments, TII and DMURS and the private sector to better understand how Water Sensitive Urban Design can be implemented more coherently in Ireland. The project will run for 6 months and report on its findings in time for the 3rd WFD Cycle. More information on the background leading up to the project is provided below including presentations given at the November 9th 2020 Webinar on Urban Planning and Nature Based Surface Water Management: From Theory to Practice organised in partnership with the Irish Planning Institute and Engineers Ireland.

For more information contact

Workshop: Urban Landscaping and Nature-Based Management of Rainwater for Active Travel Projects Active Travel - 10th May 2022

In order to promote environmental sustainability and climate action as integral elements of urban projects, there is increasing recognition of the need to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of urban rainwater runoff, as required under the EU Water Framework Directive.
In order to deal with these environmental risks, the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage and Department of Transport and the NTA are promoting the use of a naturebased approach to the management of urban rainwater runoff, or a “naturebased SuDS” approach, as an integral part of the design of all future urban projects. This nature-based approach brings multiple benefits, in addition to dealing with environmental pollution.
These include climate adaptation, better place-making and wellbeing & increased biodiversity.



  • Joe Seymour, Head of Active Travel Investment, NTA
  • Giulia Vallone, Senior Architect, Cork Co. Council: Multifunctional Landscape In Urban Design.
  • Stephen O’Malley, Civic Engineers: Nature led urban infrastructure design.
  • Eimear Fox, Senior Landscape Architect, TII: Why Nature Based?
  • Adrian Conway, NB SuDS Project lead: Nature Based Solutions and DMURS.
  • Fran Igoe, LAWPRO: Nature Based SuDS and WFD
  • Zac Todor: Building Nature Based Solutions in Active Travel Projects

Recorded Webinar

Supplementary Material

  • Frederic Segur Lyon Rue Garibaldi – Download
  • Impact of rain gardens on Surface Water Management in Glasgow Download

Workshop: Urban Landscaping and Nature Based Management of Rainwater for Public Realm, Regeneration projects - March 8th 2022 - Webinar


In order to promote environmental sustainability and climate action as integral elements of urban projects, there is increasing recognition of the need to mitigate the negative environmental impacts of urban rainwater runoff, as required under the EU Water Framework Directive. In order to deal with these environmental risks, the Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage and Department of Rural and Community Development are promoting the use of a nature-based approach to the management of urban rainwater runoff, or a “nature-based SuDS” approach, as an integral part of the design of all future urban projects. This nature based approach brings multiple benefits, in addition to dealing with environmental pollution. These include climate adaptation, better place-making and wellbeing, & increased biodiversity


  • Lisa Clifford, URDF (DHLGH) and Eddie Forsyth, RRDF (DRCD): Background Context.
  • Giulia Vallone, Senior Architect, Cork Co. Council: Multifunctional Landscape In Urban Design. – Presentation
  • Stephen O’Malley, Civic Engineers: Nature led urban infrastructure design. – Presentation
  • Eimear Fox, Senior Landscape Architect, TII: Building “Sustainable Streets” Concepts into the Street Space. – Presentation
  • Adrian Conway, NB SuDS Project lead: Nature Based SuDS Interim Guidance & Implementation Strategy. – Presentation
  • Fran Igoe, LAWPRO: Why Nature Based? – Presentation
  • Leonore O’Neill, Clare Co. Council: Steps to Build in NBS on the Ground in a Congested Public Realm Project Area. – Presentation

Recorded Webinar


Workshop: Practical experiences to the incorporation of nature- based solutions (NB SUDS) to address surface water management in Ireland 13th Oct 2022

Nature-based solutions is a growing area for engineers in Ireland and presents its own challenges. Two years ago, Engineers Ireland together with the Irish Planning Institute, the Local Authority Waters Programme and the Department of Housing Local Government (DHLGH) and Heritage ran a webinar on “Urban planning and nature-based surface water management: from theory to practice” on November 9th, 2020. Over 500 people attended. A key recommendation from that webinar was the development of training for practitioners.

This webinar organised with Engineers Ireland focuses on some of the practical considerations to taking a nature-based approach when addressing surface water management from the engineers perspective.  

The webinar focused on

  • Process from preliminary design right through to detailed design,
  • Engagement with design team and client – who wanted NBS and why,
  • What specialists were on the design team
  • How NBS was incorporated into the design and why
  • The construction process  – details, how easy or difficult was it?
  • Lessons learnt during the process
  • How the NBS is preforming now.

 You can view the presentations from this session here:


BUILDING NATURAL FLOOD MANAGEMENT & STORAGE SUDS INTO A LARGE PROJECT (CORK DOCKLANDS): The multiple benefits from design to construction as well as the challenges faced and solutions identified. Noel Murtagh and Liam Casey, Cork City Council – Presentation

N59 MAAM CROSS TO BUNNAKILL: Nature Based SuDS Solutions on a large roads project through a sensitive landscape. Paddy De Feu, Project Engineer, Jacobs Engineering – Presentation

TREE PIT DEVELOPMENT IN LUAS CROSS CITY TRAMWAY: A Collaborative approach of engineering and landscape architecture to the development of root zones under streets. Tony Williams, Principal Landscape Architect Transport Infrastructure Ireland – Presentation

A NBS SOLUTION FOR TRAFFIC CALMING, ACCESSIBILITY AND SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL, CLIMATE ACTION & CLIMATE MITIGATION IN ONE SIMPLE DESIGN: A small case study from Greystones, Co Wicklow. Ruairí O’Hanlon, Greystones Municipal District Engineer, Wicklow County Council – Presentation

DELIVERING SUCCESSFUL (NATURE-BASED) SUDS SOLUTIONS: Design Practice and Lessons Learnt. Emma Oldroyd, Landscape Architect and Emer Kennedy, Senior Engineer, Arup – Presentation

Training: LAWPRO and DHLGH have been working with partners to follow through on feedback and recommendations received through these webinars and sectoral consultations to develop supports including training, in support of water, climate and biodiversity objectives.

Engineers Ireland are organising training Fundamentals of Nature Based Urban Infrastructure Design and Practical Steps for Delivery (

Fundamentals of Nature Based Urban Infrastructure Design and Practical Steps for Delivery

The aim of this course is to provide an introduction to the concepts, techniques, processes and systems founded on the principles of nature based solutions.

Next course commences 26th January 2023, Engineers Ireland, 22 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland.


Simply removing Kerbs and correct cambering allows water to attenuate into a mini-raingarden. Combined with other SuDS features, it is that collective and integrated approach that provides for the best surface water management.

The importance of managing urban rainfall and surface water is increasingly being recognised in terms of environmental impact. This and the increased risk of flooding due to climate change, means that we need to adapt our approach to urban planning and design in Ireland and plan for greater resilience, environmental protection and sustainable living.

This Webinar is focussing on how we move to a nature-based approach to urban rainwater management. Following the URBAN PLANNING AND NATURE-BASED SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT Webinar in November 2020 which was attended by approx 500 people, and the Significant Water Management Issues Report, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) engaged in an intensive round of consultations across Local Authorities, Government Departments and Agencies, professional bodies and other stakeholders during 2021 to produce:
1. A Scoping Report with a roadmap of proposed steps towards the implementation of nature-based solutions.
2. Produce an Interim Guidance Document.

The Webinar will outline the progress made since November 2020 and, as well as launching the outputs of this scoping stage, the webinar will hear from a number of speakers from Ireland and from Wales who will outline their experiences in this area


Recorded Webinar

Urban Planning And Nature Based Surface Water Management. From Theory To Practice Nov 9th 2020 Webinar

Surface water management should form an integral part of urban planning, regardless of scale. As we know, climate change is already resulting in more frequent and intense rainfall. The impact of this on urban areas is greatly increased as infiltration rates are significantly less through hard surface areas compared to greenfield sites. This brings challenges in terms of drainage, traditionally addressed by hard engineering options (concrete gullies, pipes, drains etc) resulting in increasing flood and pollution risk. Sustainable urban Drainage Systems (SuDS) is not new and was introduced to address flood risk several decades ago and are promoted in the OPW’s (2009) Guidelines for Planning Authorities “The Planning System and Flood Risk Management”. Implementation has been variable across the country and there is an emerging consensus that overground nature-based solutions should be the preferred option in inline Water Sensitive Urban Design.

2020 Webinar

A Nature Based approach has come more into prominence, especially in response to the water, climate and biodiversity crisis facing the planet. This approach is promoted internationally by organisations such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and supported by the EU’s Green Deal.

In response to requests from local authority staff consulted by LAWPRO during Water Framework Directive meetings held across the country, a webinar was organised on November 9th 2020 to explore, discuss and learn about the potential of Nature Based Surface Water Management in Ireland.

Organised in association with the Irish Planning Institute, Engineers Ireland and the Department Housing Local Government and Heritage and launched by Minister of State Malcom Noonan, the webinar approached the above referenced areas of nature-based solutions and how best to implement them, having canvassed planners and engineers in particular. The webinar also looked at key overlapping areas such as the Water Framework Directive, and wider Statutory agency objectives (e.g. OPW and Inland Fisheries Ireland). The webinar also included the launch by Inland Fisheries Ireland of their revised “Guidelines for Urban planning along watercourses” – making the case for sustainable development by making space for water and amenity use:

The event culminated in a discussion moderated by Adrian Conway (former executive manager with Dublin City Council) with Water and Planning representatives from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the OPW.
A subsequent poll of attendees (almost 500) showed a significant percentage of attendees were planners and engineers, mostly from local authorities but also the private sector. Other attending disciplines including architects, landscape architects, environmental, climate action, heritage, biodiversity, community and enterprise.

Feedback from the attendees at the webinar confirmed that Nature Based SuDS would significantly benefit water, climate adaptation, biodiversity and human well-being objectives. However, 81% of respondents believed that Nature Based SuDS were not being adequately implemented in Ireland. Improvements in factors such as policies, legislation, leadership, governance, technical guidance, training, local government capacity and funding were considered necessary by the majority of respondents. The engagement of other state agencies, Inland Fisheries, Office of Public Works, National Parks and Wildlife and the EPA as well as the private sector was further emphasised. The need for a cross agency and multi-disciplinary integrated approach was also highlighted, incorporating all aspects of urban planning and design, from strategic and planning phases to the more detailed preparation or assessment of plans and projects.

Next steps

Planted with wildflowers, the roundabout not only provides for increased surface water filtration but also provides for pollinators.

A key objective of the workshop was to explore the relevance Nature Based SuDS in the Irish context. This was roundly supported by the attendees. The next steps (as recommended from the post webinar online poll) will be to scope out the needs for developing a comprehensive national implementation strategy for SuDS. This may culminate in the development of guidance, training and case studies. The Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage will work with local authorities and other relevant authorities to organise the development of guidance with LAWPRO and partners. Training can then be organised using best practice examples. Complimentary to this is the Climate Action training being organised by the CAROs which will include some focus on Nature Based SuDS. The Southern Regional Assembly are also coordinating a project with 5 Local Authorities working on best practice case studies for Green and Blue Infrastructure in the Urban environment.
The survey poll will form the basis of an outputs report, which will be available on the LAWPRO website together with the webinar presentations.

Interestingly, it is widely reported that the Covid-19 Pandemic has brought people closer to nature. This offers an opportunity for us all to promote Nature Based SuDS in a changing climate environment. Let’s not waste this opportunity.

We would like to thank all who contributed to the lead up to the event and post event analysis for their support.


  • Fran Igoe, Southern Regional Coordinator, Local Authority Waters Programme.
  • John Stack, Executive Engineer, Dublin City Council.
  • Adrian Conway, former Executive Manager, Dublin City Council.
  • Colin Byrne, Senior Advisor, Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage