Our natural waters reflect our past, present, and future

It is said that rivers are a mirror for society; they reflect our impressions on the land. At no time in living memory has our impact on the natural world been so abundantly clear as it is today. We need to change certain behaviours and practices if we are to achieve a more sustainable way of living, in balance with the natural world. Only then will our rivers, lakes and natural waters reflect a society with a full appreciation of nature and our living heritage.

Hope for achieving a sustainable future lies in local communities. By working together and supporting one another, we can learn to appreciate what is around us and to protect it for future generations to enjoy. This is a core message delivered by Community Water Officers each year in the run up to Water Heritage Day, which is the last day of Heritage Week

If you are planning a water-related event for Heritage Week, you are invited by the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) to submit an application for funding to support an event https://consult.watersandcommunities.ie/en/content/water-heritage-day-grants-scheme-2023

National Heritage Week 2023

The theme of Heritage Week 2023 is “Living Heritage”. This is an opportunity to explore our intangible cultural heritage and links with the past through customs, practices and traditions.
Water Heritage Day on Sunday 20th August will focus on discovering traditional knowledge, skills and practices associated with our natural waters. As an island nation we have a tradition of storytelling and many of our legends and folklore offer insights into the wisdom and customs of previous generations, and their associations with water. This year is an opportunity to highlight past and more recent stories. Why not host your own Stories from the waterside event?
There are lots of engaging ways to celebrate this important cultural connection for example, following a river from source to sea, producing a booklet on a local waterway, organising a boat tour or a river safari. The following guide offers a collection of ideas for anyone thinking about organising an event or project NHW23-101-Event-Ideas.pdf (heritageweek.ie)
This week is also an opportunity to celebrate our pristine waters that have been passed down from previous custodians. Learn about this valuable link to our past, the fascinating species that depend on these waters (including the Freshwater pearl mussel with a life span of over 100 years!) and how we can help protect and improve them.


Getting Involved

Here are some ways you can get involved in Water Heritage Day:

  • With growing interest in Citizen Science as a way of generating new knowledge and understanding of nature, a local event can help communities learn more about the health of their local river and wildlife. Take part in a fun and educational activity to record and monitor nature and biodiversity in your local area.
  • Enhance your local water body and biodiversity. Nature knows what works best and there is a range of practical hands-on activities that communities can do to enhance their neighbourhood for biodiversity, public enjoyment, and climate resilience. Community events could include building raingardens, native tree planting in public spaces, or helping to roll out the All Ireland Pollinator Plan.

If you are planning a water-related event for Heritage Week, you are invited by the Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) to submit an application for funding to support an event https://consult.watersandcommunities.ie/en/content/water-heritage-day-grants-scheme-2023

For helpful tips and resources to plan your event or project visit www.heritageweek.ie

If you or your community have an idea for an event for National Heritage Week 2023 to highlight your local river, lake, estuary, or coast, contact your local Community Water Officer Here

National Heritage Week 2022

Some memorable water related projects from the last few years include:

  • Stories from the Waterside – a unique collection of almost 500 stories from across Ireland. Submitted in both Irish and English by young and old alike as reflections on local waterbodies and appreciations of nature during restrictions of 2km and 5km journeys from home. See https://storiesfromthewaterside.ie
  • In Search of Otter Poo: Otter ID on Mulkear River – Participants were led on a voyage of discovery along the river at Annacotty, Co. Limerick and children were encouraged to become nature detectives and learn about the wonderful, mysterious, and elusive world of Ireland’s otters.
  • Paddling through the Past – a guided kayak trip explored the cultural landscape of the Swilly Catchment, understanding how man has changed the landscape of the Inishowen and Fanad.

Dr Bernadette White of LAWPRO presenting the Water Heritage Award to Streamscapes , Co Cork for the Launch of Blue Dot Coomhola River Booklet 

Water Heritage Days 2022 Highlights