The Blue Dot Steering Group has the responsibility for the development and coordination of the Blue Dot Catchments Programme. The steering groups members represent organisations that have a role to play in protecting these waters. The steering group aims to meet 4 times per year and discuss all topics linked to the protection and restoration of Blue Dot waters. Fieldtrips to high status waters are also included in order for members to discuss issues on site.

The organisations represented on the steering group are:

  • Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (Water Policy Advisory Unit and National Parks and Wildlife Service)
  • Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Agriculture and Forest Service)
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Local Authority Waters Programme
  • Representative Local Authorities (Kerry, Wicklow, Donegal, and Mayo)
  • Coillte
  • Inland Fisheries Ireland
  • Irish Waters
  • Office of Public Works