The improvement of water quality is the responsibility not only of Local Authorities, but also management of a wide range of implementing bodies, whose work can impact on water quality in various ways. An important part of the overall aim of LAWPRO and specifically the coordinators is to ensure that relevant public agencies are cooperating effectively in order to produce positive water quality outcomes, both locally and nationally.  


The Communities Team work with local groups, education providers, Tidy Towns, Rural Development Companies, Rivers Trusts, etc, to spread awareness on the importance of water quality. 

The Catchments Team meet with local community and farmer groups, liaise with Teagasc ASSAP advisors and a range of implementing bodies. 

The combined teams facilitate regional operational (ROC) and management meetings and liaised with all public agencies in the natural waters’ arena. The ROC meets on average four times per year and the Management Committees 3 to 4 times per year. 

Programme staff liaise with all 31 local authorities, participate in national working groups, supported the DHPLG and the EPA on all aspects of WFD implementation and lead national workshops on agriculture and water quality and on river partnerships and rivers trusts.